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Cooperation and alliances with other organizations has been vital in our campaigns to protect natural resources. We are pleased to list the following organizations as partners.

The Rock Creek Alliance is a nonprofit organization with offices in western Montana and northern Idaho. Established in 1996 as an offshoot of CRG, the organization works to protect the water quality of the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille Watershed and the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness Area from the proposed Rock Creek Mine.

Founded by CRG members in 2005, Friends of Scotchman conducts education, outreach and stewardship activities to preserve the scenic and biologically diverse 88,000 acre Scotchman Peaks Roadless Area. We believe the Scotchman Peaks deserve congressional designation as wilderness for the enjoyment of current and future generations.

Since 1985 the Clark Fork Coalition has worked to help heal and protect the vital waters of the Clark Fork basin. We organize and educate community members to learn about and care for the river, helping to make our waterways clean, healthy, and whole again.

Earthworks is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting communities and the environment from the adverse impacts of mineral and energy development while promoting sustainable solutions. Earthworks stands for clean air, water and land, healthy communities, and corporate accountability. 

CRG has partnered with Earth Justice on multiple occasions to file lawsuits. We wield the power of law and the strength of partnership to take on critical environmental issues and bring about positive change. We exist because the Earth needs a good lawyer.

The Kaniksu Land Trust is a not-for-profit organization that facilitates voluntary land conservation by working with landowners to keep priceless lands intact. We also engage our community with land in order to overcome challenges related to health and education, and to encourage an ethic of long-term stewardship. 

The Crown of the Continent forms the headwaters of North America and gives rise to the rich landscape of the Missouri, Saskatchewan and Columbia rivers. Headwaters Montana works in alliance with individuals and communities in this transboundary region to protect its pristine waters, undisturbed wildlands and abundant wildlife. 

The Montana Environmental Information Center is a non-profit environmental advocate founded in 1973 by Montanans concerned with protecting and restoring Montana’s natural environment. 

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The Montana Land Reliance (MLR) has conserved more than 26,000 acres every year since we began work in 1978. Preserving the Montana we know for future generations is and has always been one of MLR’s greatest ambitions.

Founded in 1964, Montana Trout Unlimited is the only statewide grassroots organization dedicated solely to conserving and restoring coldwater fisheries. Montana Trout Unlimited is comprised of 13 chapters representing approximately 3,900 Trout Unlimited members.

MWA staff, volunteers, and friends work with local communities and businesses and find solutions that provide long-term protection for Montana’s special places, from Scotchman Peaks in the far northwest corner to the vast prairie wildlands across the east.

Pacific Rivers Council

Our mission is to protect and restore the watershed ecosystems of the West to ensure river health, biodiversity, and clean water for present and future generations.

The Sierra Club is America’s oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. Inspired by nature, we are 1.3 million of your friends and neighbors, working together to protect our communities and the planet.

Since 1951, The Nature Conservancy has been using science and partnerships to protect Earth's most important natural places — for you and future generations.

WMAP provides free legal services for citizen groups and Native American tribes on hardrock mining issues in the Western U.S. and Alaska. WMAP represents clients before federal and state court, and administrative agencies, challenging specific mining proposals, as well as more general challenges to government regulations.

The Vital Ground Foundation is the premier private-sector organization ensuring the recovery and long-term survival of grizzly bears through the protection and restoration of natural areas and corridors where grizzly bears and other wildlife can move freely and safely. Vital Ground also helps reduce conflicts between bears and humans by encouraging and supporting “bear aware” communities.

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We need your help to enforce Montana's Bad Actors law! 

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